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The Library at the College supports the strengthening of academic programs, allowing access to different sources of information. It is a space to learn and consult what students should work on outside the classroom.

The Library and Multimedia Area of ​​our School is a space designed to support the needs of students and teachers to access an organized set of bibliographic, audiovisual and electronic resources, to carry out their research, to search for a space and equipment to work with or to get a book with which to spend pleasant reading moments.

The objective of the school library is to provide the students with the appropriate tools for the development of their work, allowing them access to the most modern sources of information. It is sought that the student, in the College, acquires the necessary skills to search for information, in such a way that when he enters the University or the world of work, he carries with him not only the knowledge, but the ease of knowing how to access them and in this way to be able to update, filter and renew them; staying up-to-date as today’s competitive world demands.

The Library has a multimedia projector, digital whiteboard, laser printer, scanner, photo and video camera as technological resources for students and teachers.

This equipment serves as a complement according to the demands of time, to facilitate the work and research of the students, but despite everything, the book must continue to be the fundamental part of the Library, being a mistake to forget about it or not to encourage its use letting ourselves be carried away by the striking or the facilities that electronic media offer us.

The Library puts at your disposal, along with other means, a collection of works of universal literature that our students or their families can borrow.

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